Signs You Should Switch To Contact Lenses

If you have been debating switching to contacts for a while now, the chances are that you are unhappy with some aspect of wearing glasses. But is it worth the switch, and would you enjoy wearing glasses more? Here are some signs that it's worth considering. You Haven't Adjusted to Glasses Some people have a very difficult time adjusting to wearing eyeglasses. You'll always have the frames within your vision, and while many people get used to this over time, some don't. Read More 

Reducing Your Risk Of Macular Degeneration

The prospect of macular degeneration can be frightening, especially if you're genetically predisposed to it. While you can't change your genetics, there are steps you can take to reduce your overall risk of developing this disease that robs people of their sight. UV protection is the best thing you can do to lower your risk, but read on to learn how you can more thoroughly protect your eyes. UV-Filtering Contact Lenses or Glasses Read More 

Achieve The Look You Want With The Right Pair Of Glasses

If you wear prescription glasses, then you may not like the fact that you always have to wear them. You may feel as if the glasses dictate your look and there is little you can do to change it. However, this is false. There is actually a lot that you can do with your look while you wear corrective lenses. You can choose glasses that are going to help you to have the look you want, no matter what it may be. Read More 

4 Types Of Eyeglasses Inspired By DC Comic TV Shows

After taking eye tests and getting your vision measured by an optometrist, one of more exciting parts of getting clear vision again is choosing a pair of glasses that matches your design and style. There are many places where you can draw inspiration from. In the TV world of DC comics, numerous characters have worn signature pairs of glasses that can be purchased and used as your primary prescription. As you look for a new pair of glasses, there are four designs that come directly from these shows and can make you feel heroic each time you wear them. Read More 

4 Things Ptosis Sufferers Need to Know about Surgical Correction

Ptosis is a disorder of the upper eyelid that can develop as you get older and your skin loses elasticity. In people with ptosis, one or both eyelids droops, and in severe cases, the lids can completely cover the pupils and severely impair normal vision. If nonsurgical treatments are no longer giving you the results you need, your optometrist may recommend surgical correction. Here are four things ptosis sufferers need to know about surgical correction. Read More