4 Ways To Utilize The Services Of An Eye Doctor For Eye Health

Your eyes are your window to the world. They allow you to see the expressions on your loved ones' faces and complete important work. That's why you must care for your eyes. These are four ways everyone can utilize the services of an eye doctor to maintain their eye health:

1. Keep your annual eye doctor appointments.

Visiting your eye doctor every two years will allow you to keep your eyeglasses prescription current. People who wear contact lenses and those with ongoing eye conditions can benefit from annual appointments. Regular eye exams are a key way to protect your sight and prevent eye diseases that can cause blindness. That's why it's important not to skip appointments with your eye doctor.

2. Tell your eye doctor if you experience frequent headaches.

Most people have experienced a headache at some point in their lives. Headaches can make it difficult to concentrate and ruin your day with unwanted pain. Telling your eye doctor about your headaches may seem unusual, but headaches can actually be a symptom of some eye problems. Wearing the wrong prescription can give you headaches due to eye strain. If you often experience headaches, you may need to update your glasses prescription or start wearing reading glasses for certain tasks.

3. Bring your glasses to your eye doctor for adjustments.

After your eye exam, your eye doctor will write you a prescription for eyeglasses. The pair of glasses you get using your prescription should allow you to see clearly, but some people experience discomfort when wearing new glasses. You may find that your glasses feel too tight after wearing them for a few hours, or you may find that they slide down your face. You don't need to put up with uncomfortable, ill-fitting glasses. Instead, you can bring your glasses to your eye doctor for adjustments. Your eye doctor can quickly adjust eyeglasses to better fit your face.

4. Contact your eye doctor about unusual eye symptoms.

Annual eye exams can screen for eye conditions, such as glaucoma and astigmatism. However, acute injuries and infections can also affect the eyes. Any new eye symptoms you notice should be checked out by a doctor as soon as possible. Fortunately, you may not need an eye exam. You can call or email your eye doctor to ask simple questions regarding your eye health. Your doctor will strive to answer your questions and suggest that you make an appointment if you require a physical exam.

For more information, you can turn to a practice such as Cohen's Fashion Optical.
