Why Eye Exams Are So Important

If you aren't someone that frequents the eye doctor often, you shouldn't be considering yourself lucky. Instead, you should consider going to an eye appointment. Just because you don't wear eyeglasses doesn't mean you are exempt from getting your eyes examined yearly. You need to have your eyes examined every year and go in for a checkup for other things as well, not just for vision, but also for eye health. If you don't think eye exams are important, read on for a few reasons to help you change your mind.

To Catch Vision Concerns

Not everyone can tell that their vision has changed. For younger children, in particular, they may not be able to tell that they cannot see properly. Even in adults, if their vision has changed subtly over the years, they may also not be able to tell that their vision has worsened. After a while, you become accustomed to the changes in your vision and you begin to squint more to see without realizing that you are doing so. As such, if you aren't going in for eye exams often enough, you could be worsening your vision and causing other problems such as eye strain or migraine headaches.

To Catch Concerns With Eye Health

Your eye doctor can find other things that may be going on with your eyes, not just your vision. For instance, if you have glaucoma, your eye doctor will be able to see this in an exam. If you have bulging eyes, your eye doctor will be able to catch this and refer you to your physician to have your thyroid checked. Your eye doctor can also detect other issues such as scratches on your cornea or retinal detachment. Other issues that may not affect your vision right away can be caught with an eye exam.

To Prevent Other Health Concerns

Your eyes may tell a lot about your health. For instance, if your eyes are yellowing, you could have a vitamin D deficiency. If your eyes are dry, you could have dry eye syndrome, which can be caused by some other health issue. If you have itchy, watery eyes, this concern could be caused by allergies that you have. Redness and watery eyes could be directly eye-related, or you could have rosacea that has moved to the eye area. Having an eye exam can help prevent these concerns or at least call attention to them and have them treated.

If you don't go in often for a routine eye exam, you need to start. Make an appointment today to have your eyes examined. For more information, contact an eye doctor.
